With over 50 years of experience, we’re the experts when it comes to keeping your lights on and your energy bill low.

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Learn About IKON Electric
Our Mission
Get to know who we are, what we believe in, and how we can help you with your electrical needs.
Energy Savings Programs
No-Hassle, All Savings
We are a qualified Trade Ally of Several Energy Savings programs to provide monetary incentives to help upgrade energy inefficiencies.
loves park, il Residential Electrical Services
We Believe In “Connecting Customers to Solutions”
With something as important as your home electricity, you don’t want that responsibility in the hands of just any electrical company.
Our team of electricians and electrical specialists have been providing quality electrical contracting services to homes and businesses throughout Northern Illinois for years.
Our residential electrical services are reliable, affordable, and efficient, whether it’s a minor breaker issue, or a full house rewiring. Learn more about our residential electrician services, and how our team at IKON can help you and your home.
Local Electrician Services For Your Home
Your home is your sanctuary, the place where nothing can harm you and everything works. So when your TV won’t turn on, the pool or hot tub your lights or fans don't respond, or your house goes dark, it can be a pretty jarring experience to say the least. When electrical issues arise, and you need it to be fixed as soon as possible, you need a reliable team of electricians at your beck and call.

Our Residential Electrical Services
Your home is made up of hundreds of different electrical parts and appliances and thousands of wires, so it’s not absurd to think that after some time and wear and tear, these parts and pieces might need to be inspected, repaired, or replaced. Whatever your electrical issue or concern is, our team at IKON can help.
Probably the most common of our residential electrical services, our team can troubleshoot practically any electrical problem you might have in your house. It could be a blackout that your neighbors don’t experience, it could be a finicky light that simply won’t turn on, or it could a hundred other things. With such a large electrical system with so many parts, it can never hurt to have a set of professional eyes on the problem. That way, our electrician can use their knowledge to figure out what the issue is, and solve it as soon as possible.
Installation and Replacement
Sometimes, you or one of our electrical technicians might find an issue that requires a bit more than just troubleshooting and inspecting. Or sometimes you might just need a new part or to replace a whole appliance/system entirely. Luckily, our team can also offer reliable installation and replacement services for any electrical issue in your home. It could be a new light fixture, a ceiling fan, or it could be even just a bulb in a hard to reach place — whatever the issue might be (or whatever your desire to install might be), our team at IKON can help.
One of the most important, and also the most complicated parts of your home’s electrical system is the wiring. Over time and use, your home’s electrical wires can become loose, frayed, or cracked, which can potentially cause shorts in electrical flow. And a short caused by faulty wiring can directly lead to fires and also create a higher risk of electrocution. A wiring issue should be dealt with by an electrical professional, and luckily, our team at IKON is full of electric professionals! Whether it’s just one simple wiring fix, or an entire rewiring project, IKON has you covered.
It’s not all about problems and emergencies though! Sometimes, you might see your current lighting setup, whether that's outside or inside, and consider a better, more efficient, or simply a cooler way to light your space. Our team at IKON can also help out with a variety of electrical upgrades, whether that’s a new lighting fixture, a new set of more efficient bulbs, or even a full upgrade under the hood of your home’s electrical system. Whatever your potential electrical upgrade ideas are, IKON is here to help.