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Tips For Installing a New Electrical Appliance at Home

surge protector

Adding a new electrical appliance at home can be both exciting and daunting. It’s important to take the proper steps when installing a new electrical device in order to ensure that it is done safely. At IKON Electric, we offer a variety of residential electrical services that can help ensure your appliances are installed safely and correctly. Read through our tips for installing electrical appliances yourself, then contact uswith any questions!

Read the Instructions

Before beginning the installation process, make sure you have read all of the instructions provided by the manufacturer. This will ensure that you know exactly how the appliance should be wired. If the instructions are missing or inadequate, it may be difficult to correctly install the appliance.

Turn Off the Power

Before starting any electrical work, make sure all of the power in your home is turned off via the main circuit breaker panel. This will prevent any potential electrical shocks or other dangers.

Check the Voltage

Check to make sure that the power outlet you’ll be using is compatible with the appliance you are installing. If it is not, then you may need to use an additional adapter to ensure that the correct voltage is being provided.

Use a Surge Protector

Northern Illinois isn’t a stranger to intense lighting storms. To prevent any damage to the appliance, it is important that you use a surge protector when plugging in the device. This will also protect other connected devices from surges or power outages.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or uncomfortable with the installation process, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team of experienced professionals at IKON Electric. We can assist in all aspects of your residential electrical needs, including appliance installation. Give us a call today!

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