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4 Signs Your Business Wiring Needs Updated


No matter how small or large, wiring is an essential part of your business. It connects vital pieces of equipment and infrastructure such as computers, phone systems, security devices, and more. At IKON Electric in Northern Illinois, we provide a variety of commercial electrical services that can help ensure your business continues to run smoothly — including wiring! Here are some signs that you need to take advantage of our wiring services today.

4 Signs Your Business Wiring Needs Updated infographic

a person looking at a fuse box with a flashlight

Frequent Outages

Frequent outages could be a sign that your wiring needs to be updated, as older wiring can be less reliable and prone to failure. If you’re constantly dealing with power outages, it might be time to call an electrician to ensure that all of your wiring is up-to-date and compliant with current regulations.

an office with many people working

Your Business is Growing

If you’ve recently undergone an expansion, this could be an indication that your existing wiring isn’t up to par anymore. As more equipment, computers, and other essential pieces of hardware are added to your business, you’ll need to make sure that the wiring is sufficient for all of these new items.

a person testing the power in a electrical box

Frequent Surges and Spikes

If you’re experiencing electricity fluctuations, this could be a sign that your wiring isn’t able to handle the extra current load. By updating your wiring, you’ll be able to minimize the risk of electrical surges and spikes, which can be damaging to both your equipment and infrastructure.

an older brick office building

Your Business is Over 25 Years Old

Outdated wiring could also be a cause of power outages and other problems. Wiring that is more than 25 years old has likely been through a lot of wear and tear, so it is important to have an electrician examine your wiring and make sure everything is up to date.

At IKON Electric, we understand the importance of having reliable wiring in your business. If you’re experiencing any of the signs mentioned above, don’t hesitate to contact us today to take advantage of our commercial electrical services!

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